Oceania Countries Resources (List By Lupus)
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Plonk It Discord
to access some resources
American Samoa
Plonk It Guide - American Samoa
- Concise guide with identification fundamentals
Definitive Australia Guide
- Extensive video guide with dozens of state identification methods (@zi8gzag)
Definitive Australia Guide
- Slideshow companion to the video (@zi8gzag and others)
Plonk It Guide - Australia
- Comprehensive guide with fundamental identification tips
Most important Australia tips
- Highlights the most common metas (@macca7224)
Gen 4 car colors map
- Distribution of differently colored Gen 4 cars (@cronnn)
The Australian Outback Guide
- Specialized guide for remote regions (@feneb)
Beautiful smudges of Australia
- Overview of common camera smudges (@l.upus)
5 Secret Australia Tips/Meta
- Lesser-known identification techniques (@willywoxy)
NT/WA Highway Copyright Meta
- Method to distinguish similar roads using copyright dates (@macca7224)
95 vs A87 sun meta
- Using sun appearance to identify similar roads (@zi8gzag)
National Park Cars Guide
- Reference for the four most common national park cars
Australia National Park Cars
- List of locations in National Parks throughout Australia (@zi8gzag)
Australian Poles
- Research on pole tops and variations (@daytona202020)
NSW Pole Marking Map
- Regional differences in pole markings (@macca7224)
Fence Posts of Australia
- Study on regional fence variations (@floating.goat)
Australian Insanity
- Street sign differences in Perth and Melbourne (@geosverre)
Australian LGA Logos
- Local Government Area logo identification (@14mpan)
Area codes
- Telephone area code reference
Christmas Island
Plonk It Guide - Christmas Island
- Concise guide with essential identification tips
Cocos Islands
Plonk It Guide - Cocos Islands
- Quick reference with fundamental identification tips
Plonk It Guide - Guam
- Concise guide with essential location tips
New Zealand
Plonk It Guide - New Zealand
- Comprehensive guide with essential metas
The Ultimate Guide to New Zealand
- Extensive slideshow with detailed identification methods (@brainy_)
Region Guessing in New Zealand
- Street signs, landscape and regional identification tips (@simongoose)
Pole Markings of New Zealand
- Regional pole marking research with examples (@l.upus)
NZ District Council Street Signs
- Breakdown of street sign designs by district (@fie_)
The NZ Fence document
- Research on regional fence differences (@treezerik)
Car color (2024 copyright)
- Map of car color distribution (@brainy_)
Fonterra Dairy Farm IDs
- Identification guide for dairy farms (@snowf_lake)
NZ Regional Specific Street Signs
- 20 recognizable street sign designs and locations (@bifrostmr)
Camera generations
- Distribution map of gen 2, 3 and 4 cameras (@brainy_)
Area codes
- Telephone area code reference
Northern Mariana Islands
Plonk It Guide - NMI
- Quick reference for identification fundamentals
Intersections of Pepega Avenue
- Meme document about the infamous Pepega Avenue (@matepotato)